Riley 11/40 2/3-Seater Cloverleaf. (1924-25)

The 2/3 Seater model was also called the cloverleaf and was effectively a 2 seater tourer with an additional, occasional seat. This was set more or less centrally behind and between the two front seats in the tapering tail, and the cockpit was then shaped around the 3 seats in a loose cloverleaf pattern.


4cyl Sidevalve
RAC Rating 10.8hp
Bore 65.8 Stroke 110
Capacity 1498 cc
35bhp at 3200rpm
Carburation Zephyr / Zenith


Cone Clutch Dry or in oil.
4-speed gearbox.
1st G/r15.5 or 16.7:1
2nd G/r10.8 or 11.6:1
3rd G/r6.9 or 7.4:1
4th G/r4.4 or 4.7:1
Reverse15.5 or 6.7:1


Semi Elliptic all round


Rods to Rear Wheels



Wheelbase 9' (aprx 2730mm)
Track 4' / 4'4" (aprx 1220 / 1320mm)
Length 13' (aprx 3940mm)
Width 5'6" (aprx 1620mm)
Wheels Disc, wire or Artillery 4-stud 760x90
Tyres 475/500 x 19
Weight 10 / 12.75cwt (chassis only).
Fuel Tank 7 Gallons

