Riley Forecar 4½hp (1904)

Photo courtesy of Alan Teeder
The 4½hp forecar was essentially the same as the 3hp model, but with the largest of the new engines built by Percy Riley's Riley Engine Co. This was also the first water-cooled Riley engine, all previous units being Air-Cooled. The biggest difference was that in order to accommodate the larger engine, its mounting position had to be moved from the front of the frame to a more central position under the cross member, where it was set vertically. The size of the single cylinder would equate to a 2 Litre capacity in a modern 4 cylinder engine.
ENGINESingle CylinderRAC Rating 4½hp Capacity 517cc Bore86 Stroke 89 Carburation Longuemare Updraught |
TRANSMISSIONFreewheel in rear hub for pedal driveFinal Drive Ratio 8:1 Optional 2-spd: 1st g/r 5.4:1 2nd g/r 3.57:1 |
SUSPENSIONSprings at front, Sprung saddle |
BRAKESFront Band Brakes, Rear Block Brake. |
PERFORMANCENegligible! |
DIMENSIONSFrame Size 23" (aprx. 580mm)Wheelbase 4'5" (aprx. 1350mm) Front Track 3'3" (aprx.980mm) Wheels Dunlop tangentially spoked Tyres 26x2 front / 28x2 rear. Fuel Tank 2 galls |
PRICE80 guineas2-spd +5 guineas |