Riley 14/6 Edinburgh. (1933-34)

The Edinburgh was available as either a Saloon, or Limosuine. However, none are known to survive, and aside from those pictured in brochure shots, it is unclear exactly how many (or few!) were ever produced. Unfortunately, for our purposes, it shared the 88E chassis designation with the later Winchester model, and in the available pictures, there appear to be few differences between the two cars. All but one of the 88E's that have been identified from old records are Winchesters, rather than Edinburgh models, making it even harder to prove that the Edinburgh was ever sold. The fact that it was available for two years suggests that it probably was. Further confusion comes from the old records, in that the identified Edinburgh is 88E78, when the Winchester models took their numbers in sequence with the 14x number, which ran from 201-1120. References to the Edinburgh being 88E up to 263 would therefore lead to suggest that 263 were built, making it all the more remarkable that none survive and only one has been identified.
It used the longer of the two chassis available with the 14/6 engine and was a fairly ordinary looking 6-light saloon. It certainly didn't have any of the sporting pretensions of Riley's other saloon models. The Limousine model differed in having a Glass divider bewteen the front and rear seats, more luxurious seating in the rear, and possibly a middle row of occasional seats.
Chassis Type 88E
6cyl ohv
RAC Rating 13.5hp
Bore 60.3 Stroke 95.2
Firing Order 1, 5, 3, 6, 2, 4
Capacity 1633 cc
All Helical 4-speed gearbox.
Overall Gear Ratios:
1st 20.86:1
2nd 13.5:1
3rd 8.06:1
Top gear 5.1:1
Reverse 19.36:1
Riley Continuous Cable with cam-operated shoes.
13" Drums.
Max speed 66.7mph
0-50 32secs
Fuel Consumption 19.3mpg
Wheelbase 10' (aprx 3040mm)
Track 4'8" (aprx 1400mm)
Length 13'9" (aprx 4230mm)
Width 5'6" (aprx 1670mm)
Wheels Wire 6-stud 3.0x20
Tyres 5.0x20
Fuel Tank 11galls.
Weight 26.75cwt (chassis only)
Saloon £498
Limo. £510